TV Show Review Courtney “CP” Payne | Go Off & Create TV Show Review Courtney “CP” Payne | Go Off & Create

Good Trouble is No Trouble For Me

A review of Freeform’s series Good Trouble. A show about two adopted sisters Callie & Mariana who upon graduation move to downtown Los Angeles. The sisters must navigate love, sex, and the complicated relationships that come with living in a new city in your 20s.

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Blogging Kelley B | Go Off & Create Blogging Kelley B | Go Off & Create

9 Rules of Blogging and Online Sociability

Blogging and building a social media following for my business has helped me recognize what's vital for sustainability and growth. I thought I'd share for those that are new to it, feel stagnate, or simply lack confidence or direction in navigating the social sphere

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